The temples

Science is considered to be at the pinnacle of human achievements, a truth seeking enterprise of rationality and objectivity, based on the scientific method introduced by Galileo. Given the innumerable successes of science, one does not feel the need to take a leap of faith when embarking in the scientific enterprise. One considers the conceptual structures built within science as based on rock solid foundations.
What are the foundations and how can one be sure about them? Actually one cannot be sure! Max Planck, one of the founders of Quantum Mechanics, put it succinctly:
Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realises that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have faith.' It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with.
What acts of faith is science based on? Let's use Planck's metaphor:
Over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Reality is. The conscious self is part of reality. Reality is understandable'.
Could we imagine a different act of faith? One that could lead to a more comprehensive, perfectly rational conceptual enterprise?
Over the entrance to the gates of the temple of Geneosophy are written the words: 'The sensation of conscious self is not understandable, but comprehensible as an expression of a multitude'.
Why would one want to enter the temple of Geneosophy? The reason lies in the many mysteries within the temple of science, such as the role of the observer in Quantum Mechanics, consciousness, life, creativity and so on. The mysteries manifest themselves as a consequence of an act of faith taken at the entrance to the gates of the temple of science.
Geneosophy is based on a different act of faith, one that opens the gates to a larger temple. A temple within which one can comprehend the smaller temple of science.
Once one has internalised Genesophy, one can start calling the temple of the understoods what Planck called the temple of science. While the temple of Geneosophy can be called the temple of comprehensions and comprehending. Interestingly both temples are necessary. One can move from one temple to the other, but when one is in one temple, the other disappears.
Richard Feynman was right when he said that the theory of general relativity can be understood in the temple of science, while Quantum Mechanics cannot:
'I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics.'
To comprehend Quantum Mechanics, one must move to the temple of Geneosophy. Such a move is necessary for consciousness, life and creativity as well.